Lilia and Yulia

Lilia and Yulia

We met Lilia (center) and Yulia (right) at a funky jazz bar in Berlin, Germany one night. Upon meeting, Lilia offered me a taste of her bizarre cocktail made from some sort of green beer and sweet liquor (amazingly delicious) and we hit it off! Both girls had been traveling for a while and were leaving to go back home to Russia in a few days. They both grew up in a city located two hours outside of Moscow (and I’m not even going to begin to try and spell it). Yulia has been an avid traveler for the past several years. She has visited over 40 countries and has even started a blog detailing her travels, plus tips and tricks for those bit by Wunderlust (check her out at



One thought on “Lilia and Yulia

  1. Stacey and Marcus,
    So happy for you that you have the opportunity to see much of the World! I read your posts everyday. Will you get to Annecy France? It is south of Genera Switzerland. I have always wanted to go to Annecy. Best love, Laura Dahl


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