

Garo studies marine ecosystems in freshwater environments such as lakes and rivers for a living. He is currently studying for his PHD in Berlin, Germany. Originally from Lebanon, Garo moved to Berlin for education. He is hoping to be finished with his schooling by the end of next summer. After that, he’s not quite sure if he wants to pursue work in the private sector, or continue his research through academia. We shared some great conversation, and he was incredibly informative while teaching us about all of the politics that can be so closely intertwined with the sciences. Perhaps the most coincidental fact that we learned about Garo was that his brother is currently studying in the field of Mental Health at UNLV in Las Vegas. We couldn’t believe that out of all the people we could have met in Berlin, we met the guy whose brother is studying at the very same school that we graduated from! As the saying goes, it really is a small world after all.



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